Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing. Programs also help Tennesseans protect the environment and improve the management, marketing and use of natural resources. Important updates provides information on emerging issues such as livestock, poultry, and plant pests and diseases.
FREE pesticide pickup for farmers!
Ideally pesticides are stored safely on the farm until they are completely used. However, many remain unused because cropping practices change, new products are introduced, some are banned and others deteriorate or lose their label. Such chemicals can pose a threat to human health, livestock, and the environment if not disposed of properly. The TDA offers a FREE on-the-farm pick up service for these pesticides. Visit their website for more information
Hops and Hemp Presentation
- 2019 Hops and Hemp-Walker
- Hemp 2019-sas
- Hop Production. 1. 2019
- hughes-hops-1-29-19 (1)
- Murfreesboro Hops SAS
- processing-Industrial Hemp (1)-hughes
For more information on the Hemp Industry visit the TN Department of Agriculture Hemp Industry website: